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Solar LED lights offer all the benefits of LED lighting combined with the advantages of solar power use.
Solar lamps consist of a LED lamp, a photovoltaic solar panel and a rechargeable battery. Outdoor lamps may have a lamp, solar panel and battery integrated in one unit. Indoor solar lamps, also referred to as shaft less skylights or tubeless skylights, have separately-mounted solar panels and are used for general illumination where centrally generated power is not conveniently or economically available. Solar-powered household lighting may displace light sources such as kerosene lamps, saving money for the user, and reducing fire and pollution hazards.
Solar lamps recharge during the day. Automatic outdoor lamps turn on at dusk and remain illuminated overnight, depending on how much sunlight they receive during the day. Indoor solar lamps may or may not store power.
Top 10 benefits of LED lighting
This is a summary of the many benefits your reap when you replace your conventional lights with LED lights:
1. Long Life: life time expectation of up to 100,000 hours, or 11 years of continuous operation (or 20 years of 50 percent operation). They don’t stop working, but start emitting less output.
2. Energy Efficiency: Today’s most efficient way of illumination and lighting, with an estimated energy efficiency of 80 to 90 percent when compared to traditional lighting and conventional light bulbs. This means that about 80 percent of the electrical energy is converted to light, while approximately 20 percent is lost and converted into other forms of energy such as heat. With traditional incandescent light bulbs who operate at 20 percent energy efficiency 80 percent of the electricity is lost as heat. In Rupees: If you use traditional lighting and have an electricity bill of e.g Rupees 1000, then Rupees 800 of that money has been used to heat the room, not to light it! Using LED illumination with 80 percent efficiency, the electricity costs would be around Rupees 200 and you’d have saved around Rupees 800. Now extrapolate these numbers to large users like cities, infrastructure projects, railroads, airports etc… An airport using LED lighting exclusively achieves a 30 percent reduction in power consumption compared to an airport using conventional lighting technology.
3. Ecologically Friendly: LED lights are free of toxic chemicals and 100 percent recyclable. Most conventional fluorescent lighting bulbs contain a multitude of materials like mercury that are dangerous for the environment. It is a considerable step to reducing your carbon footprint.
4. Durable Quality: LEDs are extremely durable and built with sturdy components that are highly rugged and can withstand even the roughest conditions. Because LED lights are resistant to shock, vibrations and external impacts, they make great outdoor lighting systems for rough conditions and exposure to weather, wind, rain or even external vandalism, traffic related public exposure and construction or manufacturing sites.
5. Zero UV Emissions: LED illumination produces close to no UV emissions and are ideal for UV sensitive objects or materials such as in museums, art galleries etc.
6. Design Flexibility: LEDs can be combined in any shape to produce highly efficient illumination. Individual LEDs can be dimmed, resulting in a dynamic control of light, color and distribution. Well-designed LED illumination systems can achieve fantastic lighting effects, not only for the eye but also for the mood and the mind:
LED mood illumination is already being used in airplanes, classrooms and many more locations and we can expect to see a lot more LED mood illumination in our daily lives within the next few years.
7. Operational in Extremely Cold or Hot Temperatures: LED are ideal for operation under cold and low outdoor temperature settings.
8. Light Dispersement: LED is designed to focus its light and can be directed to a specific location without the use of an external reflector, achieving a higher application efficiency than conventional lighting. Well-designed LED illumination systems are able to deliver light more efficiently to the desired location.
9. Instant Lighting & Frequent Switching: LED lights brighten up immediately and when powered on, which has great advantages for infrastructure projects such as eg. traffic and signal lights. Also, LED lights can switched off and on frequently and without affecting the LED’s lifetime or light emission. In contrast, traditional lighting may take several seconds to reach full brightness, and frequent on/off switching does drastically reduce operational life expectancy.
10. Low-Voltage: A low-voltage power supply is sufficient for LED illumination. This makes it easy to use LED lighting also in outdoor settings, by connecting an external solar-energy source and is a big advantage when it comes to using LED technology in remote or rural areas.